Sunday 31 August 2014

A Day in the life of an aspiring copywriter

A 23 year old boy walks in to the office with few papers in one hand and a cup of coffee in other. He opens his laptop and revolve in the chair to greet his colleagues. After few clicks, his note pad and pencil comes out. The clock runs as he scribbles through and tries to write something. A gentle smile makes him to write faster and there he has cracked the headline for a product. He looks at that headline and reads it more than 50 times and feels proud as if he has won the world cup for India. The mobile rings and he says “Hi, srinag, copywriter from Ogilvy speaking”. Hold on. That was not a mobile ring, it’s an alarm of 6.00 am and damn that was a dream.

The day starts like this and sometimes I like the script of my dreams. The sip of coffee and aroma of newspaper writes a proem for my day. I read all the ads in the newspaper like my girlfriend’s SMS. Articles and editorials seems interesting than the top news, don’t know why. My smartphone pops up those unread messages, bhimsen joshi sings jamunaa ke theer but mother shouts for breakfast and I leave everything and walks to kitchen.

The pencil sketch of piyush pandey (Indian Ad guru) on my laptop screen motivates me to work but those smileys in whatsapp and facebook smiles more than needed. Browsing starts with advertising related websites like afaqs, adage and copyblogger which gives me an insight to fulfil my aspiration. Then a search for vacancy for copywriting job starts in the job portals and ends with typing regards in the emails.

Article writing and blogging gives some kind of satisfaction and thus next few hours will be dedicated to this.  Last sentence of the article and last upload in the blog both happens when clock shows 1.00 pm and its Indian standard lunch time. Food doesn’t taste good unless the television is switched on. When a character in serial cries, I hear a music in that cry and advertisements are like Bollywood movies, of course I am an aspiring copywriter.

Afternoon passes in poem writing and active participation in the poetry group in LinkedIn and also some time goes waste scribbling some ideas. Evening begins with hot chai which I love the most. Scribbled idea becomes a big idea in the last sip of that chai. Google says that a good portfolio of work is the door to copywriting job and I believe it’s true.Spec ads and writing ideas for the product in different mediums like TV, radio, print, outdoor and digital completes the portfolio

Writing headlines, TVC and radio script takes my evening hours. I strongly believe that advertising is a story telling where product is the hero of the story. My eyes and ears always search for the story either in home, hotel, coffee shop, shopping mall etc. The pen and paper always follow me like a Hutch dog which makes me idiot and crazy before my friends. Writing is my job and it has also reached to writing poems for my friend’s girlfriend.  Crazy but it feels great to write for friend (actually for his girlfriend).  

The soundless night makes endless noise in my mind when I realise that I am jobless. But somewhere there is a satisfaction that I am following my passion and waiting for my dream job. . A day in the life of an aspiring copywriter ends with this little hope and lots of zeal to work.

Behind every successful advertisement, there is a copywriter and behind every copywriter there is an amateur poem.

Saturday 25 January 2014

The Leader

A visionary, enthusiastic, optimistic leader who is the chief minister of vibrant gujrath. He is a Prime Minister candidate from BJP party for 2014 assembly elections. The man behind the  DEVELOPMENT. A chaiwala now willing to serve the chai to the whole nation. The great salutes to Mr. Narendra modi

click on the following links to know more about Mr. Modi